I don't consider myself a crafty person. Yes, I knit but other than that, I think I'm pretty un-crafty. I'm no Martha Stewart. I don't have a craft room. I don't sit and make paper lanterns with my children. When I need cards, I buy them (or get the kids to fold up paper). I just knit.
However, I did go to a craft show today. I had heard there was yarn and where there's yarn, I'm not far behind. And I learned a number of things.
Lesson 1: There are a hell of a lot of quilters in the world
Every 2nd booth was a quilters booth, or fabric, or sewing machines. And there were quilted bags and jackets and people everywhere. Quilting seems to be where it's at (how is it that even at a craft show I'm not in the cool crowd?)
Lesson 2: Whenever you find cute buttons, buy them.

Lesson 3: I'm not meant to be a crafter.

Yes - I made this lovely jewelled book mark. It wasn't that hard really. But, it was too fiddly and there were too many pieces involved and there were so many tools, needle-nose this, and wire cutter that. They roped me in because I learned Viking knitting. Which was interesting, but likely won't be used 'round these parts again. Into the Christmas gift pile you go....
Lesson 4: Stainless steel in yarn is pretty darned cool

Saw a scarf knit in this that I must replicate. Must.
Lesson 5: You're NOT an idiot, even if after months of owning a spinning wheel you still can't use it.
At least, that's what the ladies of the Spinning Guild assured me. So, I'm supposed to go on a Saturday, Istvan (that's what I call my wheel) in hand, and learn from some greats. And I hear there's cake.
So, it was a good day out. I even brought along J., virtually. It was almost as good as having her with me. Ok, maybe that's stretching it....