Instead of this drastic step I elected to try and find some help in Ravelry. I searched 'nupp' and came up with a number of different options. Some suggestions included using a crochet hook to draw the purl loop through, or doing slip 2 p3 psso. Also, some people used beads instead of the nupps (I think I'm going to try this on my next one). I also got some ideas on how to knit the first stitch of the five much looser therefore making the p5tog easier. This is what I"m currently doing and it's working very well. No more thoughts on frogging.
So all this time spent thinking about my knitting techniques has left me a little goofy...

actually, I was always pretty goofy - wonder where the boys get it from....
P5tog? That is madness! Thanks for getting me utterly addicted to Ravelry, by the way.
You and the boys are looking as cute as ever.
Um. Yeah. You were goofy before the boys came. Just sayin...
And I thought Jeff was the goofy one ...
Yep - the boys just tipped me over the edge....
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