I also finished these (one day late) as a special birthday present to myself. I got the yarn from the retreat in November and decided to make them plain old socks. I wanted the yarn to be the focal point on the socks, which it is. I will remember starting these socks while being surrounded by knitting greats.

Next up, some more Crazy Cat socks in some yarn I came across in the stash that is too darned nice to be collecting dust. KPPPM. I have decided that I want to knit myself a pair of socks each month of the year. Considering the size of my foot (10 inches long people - that's like 2-3 inches longer than most of your feet....that's approximately 3000 more stitches I need to knit per sock compared to the average foot) this is still a large undertaking. So, pair #2, Tall Tibetan Socks.
1603 in
Pam's is open on Sundays now....
I was doing so good for awhile there!
Tall socks you say? I'm a little intimadated by the corioliss. Let me know how they go
Yay for birthday socks!
Great socks! Glad you had a good day despite an accident or two ...
Yay for finishing socks I started 6 months ago!
(This makes one pair for me so far this year)
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