Friday, July 2, 2010

Warm feet

I've heard that it can be "cold" in Australia during the winter. Whenever I've heard this before I've laughed and then said "have you ever lived in Edmonton?". Seriously - being a Canadian and living in one of the coldest cities in the world, you'd think it would have me prepared for any level of cold.

I was wrong.

I'm freezing here. Especially in the house at night. Freezing. There is no insulation and minimal heating. I haven't removed my socks since I arrived, and my Love is walking around the house at night in his coat. I am concerned my Canadian passport will be revoked by admitting this. FREEZING.

I'm a knitter though - so I can easily resolve this. I've cast on some Philosopher's House Socks (from Cat Bordhi) in a mohair blend. I started about 24hours ago and am making good headway (aran weight yarn socks are fast fast fast). I hope these do the trick - otherwise I'll have to layer them with some fuzzy slippers....this is what my world is coming to. Whatever it takes to stay warm.


J. said...

And you call yourself Canadian?

Note to self: T would appreciate wool socks for Christmas.

J. said...
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Anne B. said...

When I lived out of the country I got kinda pissed off at people expecting me to be running around in shorts or a bikini in the winter simply because I'm Canadian. I'm cold, deal with it I would think. I'm wondering if there is wetness in the cold there, which can be terrible to put up with, it seeps into your bones. So don't feel bad that you are cold, and get used to the comments! Knit warm things!

Sarah said...

Sending you some warmth - hope you settle in well x

Amanda said...

Oops, should have warned you. I've yet to come across someone from the northern hemisphere who could cope with our winters. Those winter woollies are necessary! But you will get used to it.......eventually.

Emily said...

It's so true! Admittedly I'm from the relatively balmy climes of England, but I was COLD indoors in Sydney for the winter I was there. It isn't that it is extra cold, just that NOTHING is set up for it - cafes keep the doors open still, houses are leaky of air, and excellent at losing heat in general. I used to find I'd sit at home all wrappe dup and go out and gradually shed layers of clothes as movement and the realisation that OUTSIDE IT'S NOT THAT COLD started to work!

Great place to be, though!

Can I reommend a coffee place out in Middle Swan (a beautiful area with national parks etc east of Perth). really lovely food and EXCELLENT coffee (not always the case around Perth) and interesting art! Paintings and ironwork and all sorts, mainly based on local botanical stuff.
Great cafe for kids, too - can run around outside.