That's quite the tagline eh? We'll see what kinds of google hits we get.
On to the business at hand. My backside. The backside of my knitting that is. Punky's Thing 2 is really my first major Intarsia undertaking. I did one Fairisle sweater for him when he was younger, but that was quite a minor amount of colour work. This was a bit more of an undertaking for me. I'm no Kaffe Fassett .
So, as a reminder, here is the front.

Looks pretty good right? Now, check out the back.

Lovely right? It makes a difference when you take the time and do it right. I can thank Lucy (again) for making that clear.
Good finishing makes for good knit-wear. It's true. I'm a believer.
It looks great on both sides. Good for you for taking the time to finish it well. It's tempting to rush that part for the thrill of the finished object.
I'm impressed. My finishing can leave a lot to e desired at times.
You always have the best titles - I do fear the pervy Googlers on this one, although they tend not to use tame terms like "backside" so you might be alright.
And color me impressed with the finishing. Looks fabulous!
So far no crazy google searches. Too bad. I was hoping for something crazy.
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