We are delighted to have been able to spend the day with knitting royalty. Lucy Neatby was in town giving some workshops. The Baadmedicine crew spent the day learning finishing techniques from the Master.

We at Baadmedicine are feeling a little overwhelmed with everything we took in. Lucy's DVDs are great teaching tools so if you're looking for something that is practical and user friendly, this might just be for you.
"Knitting is just a fabric we have a strong emotional attachment to."
Lucy Neatby, November 2007
We discussed grafting (and we now refer to it only as grafting, and will no longer refer to the Kitchener stitch).
We practised doing mattress stitch. We did short rows (Japanese short rows to be exact) and buttonholes. We even talked about STEEKING! (Gasp.) And you know, it wasn't as scary as we thought.
There were photo opportunites.
We at Baadmedicine are feeling a little overwhelmed with everything we took in. Lucy's DVDs are great teaching tools so if you're looking for something that is practical and user friendly, this might just be for you.
"Knitting is just a fabric we have a strong emotional attachment to."
Lucy Neatby, November 2007
I was wondering when you were going to post about this. Sounds fun and educational at the same time - I am so jealous. And I notice T.'s knitting is orange - how very odd...
Her hair .... those artists!
The orange was actually some gauge swatches they had for us - we were given the orange ones (must have been karma).
And J. and I kept saying "She's not afraid of color" - in her knitting or hair do.
Truly - she was a fabulous teaching and I learned that I know a lot about knitting but I have WAY more to learn about it too.
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