My husband, let's call him R., is a very understanding man. He knows that knitting is important and didn't make fun of T. and I when we started our blog. He made it possible for me to train for and run a half marathon a month ago. He was alright with me going to Vancouver for a weekend in order to run that half marathon.

But every once in a while I think he feels a little neglected. Like when I go to stitch and bitch. (That's only every other week for a couple of hours. Not a big deal really.) Or when I sit for hours at a time trying to get my next post just so. (Not that he doesn't spend hours in front of the flat screen but I digress.) I landed myself a good one. So R., just know that I appreciate your support and I'm glad you're not fully aware of how much yarn I really have. (Psst! Did you check out the progress on my lacy scarf? Almost done!)

In other news, I've been Monkeying around. I like this pattern. It's really easy to catch on to and I think the colorway I've chosen really suits. I think that I might even make these again. This pattern is going on my "List of Sock Patterns Which May or May Not Get Knitted as Christmas Presents Depending on Time and Any More Interesting or Tempting Patterns That Come My Way". 

I threw my head back and gleefully laughed when I read in your post, "I landed myself a good one. So R., just know that I appreciate your support and I'm glad you're not fully aware of how much yarn I really have."
I have this closet... that thankfully my husband never goes into. I keep adding to this wool addiction with absolutely no guilt. I think maybe there should be something wrong with that, but frankly I'm okay with it. Enjoyed reading your blog...keep the addiction going!!
Yeah - that R. is pretty good. How did you convince him to pose for a picture on the blog? My J. wouldn't consider it I'm sure - will have to do it coyly.
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