I think it's every knitters dream to have a broken leg that makes it unable for them to go to work. They have to sit all day in a chair with their leg up and nothing to do but.....yes that's it....knit.

You know, I don't recommend it as a means to get more knitting done. Really don't.
Ya, I don't think I'd go to such lengths to get some knitting done. Although the whole sitting thing is sounding lovely (you know, minus the ridiculous pain).
Ouch! I hope you have a speedy recovery and gets heaps of knitting done.
Have you actually been able to do any knitting? What with all the "help" and the drugs? (And thank God for the drugs, right?)
I have done lots. My husband is quite insistent on the sitting thing. It's hard to sit here and have him do everything (including cooking...scary), but he's insistent. He's been an excellent nurse! The "help" is in the form of 2 little men. They think cause I'm just sitting that they can climb all over me...
Hope you have a speedy recovery.
Crikey - hope you get better soon and glad to hear you are getting some knitting done as it seems like the best consolation
I feel sorry for you. Hope the pain is not too bad. Still it seems you are well taken care of and get some knitting done. Hope you have a speedy recovery.
Another pair of socks are ready, Clover from In The Loop. Have just started with my Froot Loop socka.
Best wishes for a fast recovery! (and happy knitting until then)
oh, teri! you didn't...
my sympathies. i hope your hubby cooks better than mine!
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