Thursday was filled with learning. I ran into a friend from Whitehorse who is a pharmacist and erstwhile knitter. The day went as these things do with some interesting bits interspersed with boring stuff.

When I was done, the Dude and I took the subway to the CN Tower to look out over the city. It is a little like looking out on Manhattan from the Empire State Building but less giant ape merchandise and more green spaces.
It's really tall. And I'm not usually scared of heights but I was freaking out a little up there. Must be my overactive imagination.
After all that excitement, the Dude and I checked out a movie and had some Italian food for supper. It was almost like our carefree days before reproducing. Ah. Freedom.
Friday, I totally ditched the morning sessions and went shopping on Queen Street with the Dude. It is really a good thing I married a patient man because we found Romni Wools and I was beside myself. They have SO MUCH YARN!!! I could have wandered their aisles for hours and still not known what to buy. I might have been really lost if I had a specific project in mind. As it is, I have recently acquired enough yarn for 2 sweaters for myself as well as a number of baby items and a sh!tload of socks. I exercised restraint and only purchased a couple things for T. (which will remain secret until she gets to fondle them in the flesh) , some sea wool (how much of this is too much, I ask you) and Cotton Fleece.
I've always been interested in this last yarn and it feels really drapey and soft in the ball. I got a couple of skeins in pink to whip up a little something for the Princess. Any suggestions?
And that was basically my trip. The plane ride home was uneventful and I managed to finish almost half of my May sock.
Once home, I cranked out the last half a repeat on the Tuscany Shawl, so that's done, too. Pictures will come as soon as I have time for a proper photo shoot. I love the feeling of only having one (rather intense) sock on the go. I'm sure I'll be casting on some baby things some time this week, but for now, I will revel in my lone project. (No one remind me of the sleeping boot socks that I started last year and haven't looked at in months. Thanks.)
Cool trip (envy!) and cool sock!
BTW, that Sydney craft fair is next week...
Yarn for 2 sweaters? Really????
Nice sea wool....
What is that sock pattern?!?! It's totally cool the way it's knitting up in the self striping yarn... Wow!!! Is it vailable to mere mortals or is it associated with a sock club? I really, really, really want it!
Oh my... I think I need to go lay down now. I am way too overexcited.
Kathleen, this sock is the May STR sock club sock. I'm sure it will be available for purchase but probably not until next year.
(And I think it's pretty cool, too.)
Oh, I think I've just turned a shade of green reading about and looking at all that luscious yarn. And those socks look fantastic.
Such a productive trip. Color me jealous.
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