Monday, August 6, 2007

You know, It kind of looks like lace

My husband, he's smart by most people's standards. Some people call him Doc (not me and definitely not his mother), although others say he's not a 'real one'. He has his brief moments of brilliance. In some areas. Not in knitting.

We were sitting outside after supper and he was commenting on how elaborate my MS3 was. "You know, it kind of looks like lace" he offers. Wow, really. I never thought of it that way before.

I told that to J. at lunch the next day. She almost inhaled her soup. I guess I didn't marry him for his knitting knowledge.

It's been a busy weekend. Not a lot of knitting opportunities (and therefore few knitting pics). Mr. Man turned one. He held court most of the day.

Some very important people attended the festivities.

His betrothed.

Victoria Beckham.

And there was a summit of some sort. I wasn't privy to the secret meeting. I'm not sure what was being discussed - possibly the unfair treatment practices of children living in Suburban Edmonton. Or maybe Toddler Rights. We'll just have to wait and see.

Let's just say things went downhill from there. I don't really want to see what will happen at Mr. Man's second year birthday party.


Anonymous said...

Classic comment by the husband. Sounds like something mine would say.

And Mr. Man looked smashing for his birthday. Such a cutie! And is Ava is betrothed? That cracked me up. And I would definitely watch your back - it looked like all the toddlers were planning a coup.

T. said...

Mr. Man may be betrothed to more than 1 -- don't tell anyone. We're waiting to see what kind of dowry we get! The betrothed in the pic is my god-daughter - ain't she purdy!

catknip said...

My sig o didn't believe you could develop knitter's shoulder. The kids are fabulous! And so well behaved ....