This is my pile of UFOs (minus the 2 UFOs I can't find....more on that later....)
This is my Rowena Cardigan. Back done, 2 front panels done. No sleeves.
These are my most recent cast-on item. Socks for my mom for Christmas. I'm not sure why I cast them on considering all the other socks I have on the needles. I think I just wanted to try out this new yarn (Crystal Palace Panda Cotton from the Loopy Ewe).
Next, this lovely, but VERY incomplete pair of socks for my big boy (one of 2 incomplete pairs of socks for him ... the other pair however is currently misplaced. Not sure where. But I'll find it).
Then there's this. I've purposely not posted about this because it's for a Christmas gift. I won't tell you what it is or who it's for. But, there it is, out on the table.
Oh ya, there's this too. A Tomten jacket for someone. Possibly for the new baby in the family, or my baby, depending on the size. This project was cast-on because of my new-found obsession with EZ. The lady was a genius. I'm in awe and wonder with what she came up with and I just want to figure it out.

There is the Mystery Stole - it's still quite a mystery to me.
And the beast of all UFOs. This was completed 2 years ago. It's a baby alpaca yarn (of course I've lost the ball-band so not sure where it came from) in a worsted weight. I think the colors are fabulous.
There are a few problems with it, however:
- 1 arm is longer than the other - I think I sort of fixed it when sewing it up, but it's still a little off, and no amount of blocking will fix that.
- 1 arm is longer than the other - I think I sort of fixed it when sewing it up, but it's still a little off, and no amount of blocking will fix that.
- I don't love the neck. The shape is good, but it needs something - maybe a couple rows of garter or moss stitch. Not sure. I just don't like it the way it is.
- It's not long enough. I have started picking up stitches from the bottom in an attempt to lengthen it. However, I'm almost out of yarn and not sure how many extra rows I'll get. And not sure if I should do the extra rows in stocking stitch or garter or moss. I just can't decide.

The Hanami of course. This is moving along well and I'm quite happy with it.

My Chevron scarf - also very happy with it. This is my "in the car" knitting project, so I can only work on it when I'm a passenger in the car - this doesn't happen too often, given I'm the head of Mom's Taxi.
So there they are. The UFOs. Not including the 2 missing things (a pair of Monkey socks and a pair of socks for my boy).
Whew. That took a lot out of me.
Next time, we'll tackle the stash.
The Hanami of course. This is moving along well and I'm quite happy with it.
My Chevron scarf - also very happy with it. This is my "in the car" knitting project, so I can only work on it when I'm a passenger in the car - this doesn't happen too often, given I'm the head of Mom's Taxi.
Whew. That took a lot out of me.
Next time, we'll tackle the stash.
Holy crap! And I was feeling haunted by the one measly cardigan that sits unfinished - for a good 2 years now. It's just so boring. I think it may be frogged.
Thanks for making me feel better.
I'm calling for an intervention. This time, I mean it. You wonder it takes you so long to finish anything!
HEy - I did this to be honest - not to get grief.....
Thanks for your honesty. It's not easy to flash that many UFOs. Maybe you just have really bad startitis. There are drugs for that.
Love the colours in the chevron scarf...good pictures. I agree, I get bummed out when I think of the projects that have been sitting for awhile, but I easily forget when I cast on with something's a vicious cycle.
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