I have a cold. Meet Patient X. She is the source of the viral contagen that has chosen me as an acceptable host. 

While this isn't the worst cold ever, I am finding myself feeling tired. I'm not really getting a lot of knitting done as a result. This skirt that I have undertaken is really kicking my caboose. It's pretty much straight stocking stitch for a long time with a little fancy hemwork at the end. I am finally nearing the home stretch in this project that I was hoping would only take about 2 weeks to finish.

All this plain knitting made me think I would like to start something new. Of course I have a lot of things to knit before Christmas. In fact, I have a little sweater that needs knitting before I go to Vancouver in October. (Hey, D! How are my socks coming along?) So I really don't need to add to my workload but don't you think a Tomten jacket would look really cute on this?

It's really fat yarn from my stash(?!?) on big-ish needles. So what do you think? Could I knock out a Tomten jacket in a week to 10 days? I can surely spare that much time. I'll only do it as a reward for finishing this skirt and only if you think I can do it. Anyone out there? Have you knit one? Was it real quick?
I have to confess...I've started knitting one.....
Hey J. no need to get the sweater done anytime soon..does that free up a little time for you?
As for the socks...nice, nice way to put pressure on the newbie knitter. No cashmere for you!
Tomten? Qui?
Sorry, Catknip. A Tomten jacket is a garter stitch jacket with a hood knit in fat yarn. It was designed by Elizabeth Zimmerman quite a while ago (1961). You can use one pattern and make it in a number of sizes using a different gauge. Ask T. She'll show you a pic.
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