Today, my wee girlie turns 17 months old. She doesn't look like a baby any more. In fact, it is hard to remember what that was like.

To celebrate, we went out for brunch. We bought a memento. Now she's having a much earned nap and I'm going to finish this skirt, if it kills me.

Also on the needles, I'm whipping up some little kid socks...

... and the Spiral Boot Socks continue their very slow and not so steady growth.

I have too many things on the needles. I should really simplify. But then I want to cast on a Tomten jacket and a sweater for my neice and more socks....
You've had a busy day - and now busy knitting ahead. I too have toe-ups in Tuscany on my needles currently - actually, they're are being bound off. That's what has made my sock tally sky rocket.
LOVE the jacket! Is it for you?
Bah to simplifying! I'm trying hard to complicate my knitting life as I'm so bored with the stupid socks I'm working on. At least I have you and T for entertainment.
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