I am 34 today. I'm older, I'm wiser and I'm better than I was a year ago. Why you may ask? Well, I can't give away all my secrets but I have broadened my knitting horizons and I have taken my first knitting class. I have now been married for 10 years and I'm no longer the mother of any babies. Things are progressing, and it's all good.
In celebration of this event, I knit myself some birthday socks - I am quite happy with them and their simple design.
I particularly like my heel.
My STR socks are also progressing...they're a little more rocking than they were on the weekend.
So things are progressing on all fronts. And I'm enjoying the ride.
Happy Birthday, T.! I guess I'l save my tribute until tomorrow.
Happy Birthday!
Happy double 17th Birthday. Girls born in 74 ROCK!!!!! Whoo hoo for 34! Best age ever! My double17 is in September. Post pictures of the cake. I need something sweet.
Happy Birthday - may you have many, many more.
Happy Birthday! Hope that you had a wonderful day. Can I join in your sock kal, so far I have 2 pairs done.
Happy birthday! Those socks rule. You sound so content in your post. I'm glad you had a good day.
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