Very normal. Nothing weird looking about this fabric.
So, why is that? If I pulling on my right needle on the knit side, I should be doing the same action on the purl side and you should be able to notice it right?
Or, am I just thinking about this too much? (probably - but remember it keeps me entertained through miles of stocking stitch...)
I pulled out some other pieces with stocking stitch and it appears that sometimes I have a very even, parallel looking stitch.
These socks look fine:
This sweater looks fine:
Both of the above are knit it fibers with less give (socks in a soy blend, sweater in mercenized cotton) and I wonder if that's part of it.
I suppose the outcome is the most important thing - a beautifully handknit object. Crazy knit stitches or otherwise.
(J. is going on a Yarn Crawl today.....wish her luck)
From now on I'm going to hire you as my colour analyst (and not because I think you're anal). I just love your sense of colour whereas I tend to stick to baby puke and green.
Thanks Cat - That's a sweater I knit last year for my big man - Baby boy has one in the same color scheme. Matching sweaters for Christmas pictures (my children are SOOOO going to need therapy).
Your children already need therapy, thankfully their father is somewhat normal....
Hmmm, another mystery of the unoverse to ponder.
I guess it depends on what your definition of normal is ...
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